Python如何操作VMware Workstation/Esxi
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vmrun.exe clone PathToVmxFile PathToDestinationVmxFile Full|Link [Snapshot Name]


PyVIx: PyVIx is a Python wrapper for the VMWare(R) VIX C API that allows Python to programmatically control VMWare(R) virtual machines. Example operations include: powering on; suspending; creating, reverting to, and removing snapshots; and running programs.()

PySphere: PySphere is platform independent and works with python, PySphere can interact with ESX, ESXi, Virtual Center, Virtual Server, and it should work with any other VMWare product exposing the vSphere Web Services SDK.()


'''Created on May 5, 2013@author: Berlin'''import osimport os.pathimport timeimport socketimport sysimport stringimport sslimport base64from pysphere import VIServerfrom pysphere import VIException, VIApiException, FaultTypesimport esxi_exception#Server Controlclass ESXi_Server:    server_ip    = ''    user_name    = ''    password     = ''    connect_flag = False    server       = None    #vm_list      = []    #def __init__(self):        #Use the given args to connect the esxi server you want    #@ip[string]: ESXi server's IP address    #@name[string]: the username used to login the ESXi server    #@pwd[string]: the password used to login the ESXi server    def connect_server(self, ip, name, pwd):        self.server_ip = ip        self.user_name = name        self.password  = pwd        self.server = VIServer()        self.server.connect(self.server_ip, self.user_name, self.password)        self.connect_flag = self.server.is_connected()        if self.connect_flag:            return True        return False    #To get all the definition registered vms from the connected server    #@param[string]: can be set as ALL, POWER_ON, POWER_OFF, SUSPENDED    #According to the param, returns a list of VM Paths. You might also filter by datacenter,    #cluster, or resource pool by providing their name or MORs.     #if  cluster is set, datacenter is ignored, and if resource pool is set    #both, datacenter and cluster are ignored.    def get_registered_vms(self, param, status=None, datacenter=None, cluster=None,                            resource_pool=None):        if param not in ['ALL', 'POWER_ON', 'POWER_OFF', 'SUSPENDED']:            print "Get VMs error: param can only be set as ALL, POWER_ON, POWER_OFF, or SUSPENDED."            return None        if self.connect_flag == False:            print "Get VMs error: Server not connected."            return None        if param == 'ALL':            return self.server.get_registered_vms(datacenter, cluster, resource_pool)        elif param == 'POWER_ON':            return self.server.get_registered_vms(datacenter, cluster, resource_pool, status='poweredOn')        elif param == 'POWER_OFF':            return self.server.get_registered_vms(datacenter, cluster, resource_pool, status='poweredOff')        elif param == 'SUSPENDED':            return self.server.get_registered_vms(datacenter, cluster, resource_pool, status='suspended')        else:            return None        #Disconnect to the Server    def disconnect(self):        if self.connect_flag == True:            self.server = self.server.disconnect()            self.connect_flag == False    #To keep session alive     def keep_session_alive(self):        assert self.server.keep_session_alive()    #To get the server type    def get_server_type(self):        return self.server.get_server_type()    #To get performance manager    def get_performance_manager(self):        return self.server.get_performance_manager()    #To get the all the server's hosts    def get_all_hosts(self):        """        Returns a dictionary of the existing hosts keys are their names        and values their ManagedObjectReference object.        """        return self.server.get_hosts()        #To get all datastores    def get_all_datastores(self):        """        Returns a dictionary of the existing datastores. Keys are        ManagedObjectReference and values datastore names.        """        return self.server.get_datastores()    #To get all clusters    def get_all_clusters(self):        """        Returns a dictionary of the existing clusters. Keys are their         ManagedObjectReference objects and values their names.        """        return self.server.get_clusters()    #To get all datacenters    def get_all_datacenters(self):        """        Returns a dictionary of the existing datacenters. keys are their        ManagedObjectReference objects and values their names.        """        return self.server.get_datacenters()    #To get all resource pools    def get_all_resource_pools(self):        """        Returns a dictionary of the existing ResourcePools. keys are their        ManagedObjectReference objects and values their full path names.        """        return self.server.get_resource_pools()            #To get hosts by name    def get_hosts_by_name(self, from_mor):        """        Returns a dictionary of the existing ResourcePools. keys are their        ManagedObjectReference objects and values their full path names.        @from_mor: if given, retrieves the hosts contained within the specified             managed entity.        """        try:            hosts_dic = self.server.get_hosts(from_mor)        except:            print "Get hosts error!"            return None        return hosts_dic#VMWare Controlclass ESXi_VMWare:    server_obj      = None    mac_address     = ''    path            = ''    guest_full_name = ''    name            = ''    guest_id        = ''    vm              = None    guest_username  = ''    guest_password  = ''    status          = ''    snapshot_list   = []    __login_flag    = False        #Initialize vms, you can set the @parm[string] as VM path or VM name.    #If you use VM path, set the @parm_type[string] as Path(Default),    #If you use VM name, set the @parm_type[string] as Name    #@esxi_server[ESXi_Server]: the server where the vm in    #@username[string]: the user name used to login vm system    #@password[string]: the password used to login vm system    def __init__(self, esxi_server, parm, username = '', password = '', parm_type = 'Path'):        if parm_type in ['Path', 'Name']:            self.server_obj = esxi_server            self.__get_vmware(esxi_server, parm, parm_type)            self.guest_username = username            self.guest_password = password        else:            print "Get VMWare error: parm_type only can be set as 'Path' or 'Name'"    #Private function    #To get the vm you want    def __get_vmware(self, esxi_server, parm, parm_type):        if parm_type == 'Path':            try:                #self.vm = self.esxi_server.server.get_vm_by_path(parm)                self.vm = esxi_server.server.get_vm_by_path(parm)            except:                print "Get VMWare error: Can not access the VM '" \                      + parm + "'. Please check!"                return        elif parm_type == "Name":            try:                #self.vm = self.esxi_server.server.get_vm_by_name(parm)                self.vm = esxi_server.server.get_vm_by_name(parm)            except:                print "Get VMWare error: Can not access the VM '" \                      + parm + "'. Please check!"                return                self.mac_address = self.vm.get_property('mac_address')        self.path = self.vm.get_property('path')        self.guest_full_name = self.vm.get_property('guest_full_name')        self.name = self.vm.get_property('name')        self.guest_id = self.vm.get_property('guest_id')    #To get the vm's status     def get_status(self):        self.status = self.vm.get_status()        if self.status != 'POWERED ON':            self.__login_flag = False        #To get the vm's basic status: 'POWERED ON','POWERED OFF','SUSPENDED'     def get_basic_status(self):        self.status = self.vm.get_status(basic_status=True)        if self.status != 'POWERED ON':            self.__login_flag = False    #To operate the VM    """    @operate[string]: can be set as POWER_ON, POWER_OFF, SUSPEND, RESET    Return operate success or not    @sync_run[bool]: means you operate the VM synchronously or not.       True is synchronously       False is asynchronously    If sync_run set as False, status can not be None. status can be set as:       queued, error, running, success       return the task's status    If @time_out[int] is 0 or negative, waits indefinitely"""    def operate_vm(self, operate, sync_run = True, status = None, time_out = -1):        if operate not in ['POWER_ON', 'POWER_OFF', 'SUSPEND', 'RESET']:            print "Operate VM error: operate can only be set as POWER_ON, POWER_OFF, SUSPEND or RESET."            return False        if sync_run == True:            return self.__operate_vm_syn(operate)                elif sync_run == False:            if status == None:                print "Operate VM error: status can not be None while sync_run is True."                return False            if status not in ['queued', 'error', 'running', 'success']:                print "Operate VM error: status can only be set as queued, error, running or success."                return False            if (time_out == -1) or (time_out == 0):                print "Operate VM warning: time_out is 0 or negative, will waits indefinitely."            return self.__operate_vm_asyn(operate, status, time_out)    #Private function    #To operate the VM synchronously    def __operate_vm_syn(self, operate):        if operate == "POWER_ON":            self.get_status()            if self.status in ['POWERED ON', 'POWERING ON']:                print "Operate VM warning: VM named " + self.name + " is powered or powering on."                return False            self.vm.power_on()            self.get_status()            if self.vm.is_powering_on() or self.vm.is_powered_on():                return True            return False        elif operate == "POWER_OFF":            self.get_status()            if self.status in ['POWERED OFF' , 'POWERING OFF']:                print "Operate VM warning: VM named " + self.name + " is powered or powering off."                return False            self.vm.power_off()            self.get_status()            if self.vm.is_powering_off() or self.vm.is_powered_off():                return True            return False        elif operate == "SUSPEND":            self.get_status()            if self.status in ['SUSPENDED', 'SUSPENDING']:                print "Operate VM warning: VM named " + self.name + " is suspended or suspending."                return False            self.vm.suspend()            self.get_status()            if self.vm.is_suspending() or self.vm.is_suspended():                return True            return False        elif operate == "RESET":            self.get_status()            if self.status == 'RESETTING':                print "Operate VM warning: VM named " + self.name + " is resetting."                return False            self.vm.reset()            self.get_status()            if self.vm.is_resetting():                return True            return False    #Private function    #To operate the VM asynchronously    def __operate_vm_asyn(self, operate, status, time_out):        if operate == "POWER_ON":            self.get_status()            if self.status in ['POWERED ON', 'POWERING ON']:                print "Operate VM warning: VM named " + self.name + " is powered or powering on."                return False            task = self.vm.power_on(sync_run=False)            try:                status = task.wait_for_state([status, 'error'], timeout=time_out)                if status == 'error':                    print 'Failed to power on the VM: ' + self.path \                          + '. Error Message:', task.get_error_message()            except:                print str(time_out) + " seconds time out reached waiting for power on to finish"                return task.get_state()            self.get_status()            return task.get_state()        elif operate == "POWER_OFF":            self.get_status()            if self.status in ['POWERED OFF' , 'POWERING OFF']:                print "Operate VM warning: VM named " + self.name + " is powered or powering off."                return False            task = self.vm.power_off(sync_run=False)            try:                status = task.wait_for_state([status, 'error'], timeout=time_out)                if status == 'error':                    print 'Failed to power off the VM: ' + self.path \                          + '. Error Message:', task.get_error_message()            except:                print str(time_out) + " seconds time out reached waiting for power off to finish"                return task.get_state()            self.get_status()            return task.get_state()        elif operate == "SUSPEND":            self.get_status()            if self.status in ['SUSPENDED', 'SUSPENDING']:                print "Operate VM warning: VM named " + self.name + " is suspended or suspending."                return False            task = self.vm.suspend(sync_run=False)            try:                status = task.wait_for_state([status, 'error'], timeout=time_out)                if status == 'error':                    print 'Failed to suspend the VM: ' + self.path \                          + '. Error Message:', task.get_error_message()            except:                print str(time_out) + " seconds time out reached waiting for suspend to finish"                return task.get_state()            self.get_status()            return task.get_state()        elif operate == "RESET":            self.get_status()            if self.status == 'RESETTING':                print "Operate VM warning: VM named " + self.name + " is resetting."                return False            task = self.vm.reset(sync_run=False)            try:                status = task.wait_for_state([status, 'error'], timeout=time_out)                if status == 'error':                    print 'Failed to reset the VM: ' + self.path \                          + '. Error Message:', task.get_error_message()            except:                print str(time_out) + " seconds time out reached waiting for reset to finish"                return task.get_state()            self.get_status()            return task.get_state()    #To get all the snapshots in the VM    def get_all_snapshots(self):        self.snapshot_list = self.vm.get_snapshots()    #return all the snapshots' name in the VM    def get_all_snapshots_name(self):        names = []        for snapshot in self.snapshot_list:            names.append(snapshot.get_name())        return names        #To operate the snapshot    """    @operate[string]: can be set as REVERT_CURRENT, REVERT_NAMED, DELETE_CURRENT, DELETE_NAMED, CREATE    If operate contains 'NAMED' or 'CREATE', @name[string] can not be None    @sync_run[bool]: means you operate the VM synchronously or not.       True is synchronously       False is asynchronously    If sync_run set as False, @status[string] can not be None. status can be set as:       queued, error, running, success    If @time_out[int] is 0 or negative, waits indefinitely    @description[string] used when you create a snapshot"""    def operate_snapshot(self, operate, name = None, description = None, sync_run = True, status = None, time_out = -1):        if operate not in ['REVERT_CURRENT', 'REVERT_NAMED', 'DELETE_CURRENT', \                           'DELETE_NAMED', 'CREATE']:            print "Operate Snapshot error: operate can only be set as PREVERT_CURRENT, REVERT_NAMED, DELETE_CURRENT, DELETE_NAMED or CREATE."            return False        self.get_all_snapshots()        if sync_run == True:            return self.__operate_snapshot_syn(operate, name, description)                elif sync_run == False:            if status == None:                print "Operate Snapshot error: status can not be None while sync_run is True."                return False            if status not in ['queued', 'error', 'running', 'success']:                print "Operate Snapshot error: status can only be set as queued, error, running or success."                return False            if (time_out == -1) or (time_out == 0):                print "Operate Snapshot warning: time_out is 0 or negative, will waits indefinitely."            return self.__operate_snapshot_asyn(operate, name, status, time_out)    #Private function    #To operate the snapshot synchronously    def __operate_snapshot_syn(self, operate, name, description):        if operate == "REVERT_CURRENT":            self.vm.revert_to_snapshot()            self.get_status()            return True        elif operate == "REVERT_NAMED":            if name is None:                print "Operate Snapshot error: Please set snapshot name."                return False            names = self.get_all_snapshots_name()            if name not in names:                print "Operate Snapshot error: No snapshot named " \                      + name + " in the VM named " + self.name + "."                return False            self.vm.revert_to_named_snapshot(name)            self.get_status()            return True        elif operate == "DELETE_CURRENT":            self.vm.delete_current_snapshot()            self.get_status()            return True        elif operate == "DELETE_NAMED":            if name is None:                print "Operate Snapshot error: Please set snapshot name."                return False            names = self.get_all_snapshots_name()            if name not in names:                print "Operate Snapshot error: No snapshot named " \                      + name + " in the VM named " + self.name + "."                return False            self.vm.delete_named_snapshot(name)            self.get_status()            return True        elif operate == "CREATE":            if name is None:                print "Operate Snapshot error: Please set snapshot name."                return False            names = self.get_all_snapshots_name()            if name in names:                print "Operate Snapshot warning: Snapshot named " \                      + name + " already in the VM named " + self.name + "."            if (description is not None) and (description != ''):                self.vm.create_snapshot(name, description)            else:                self.vm.create_snapshot(name)            self.get_status()            return True    #Private function    #To operate the snapshot asynchronously    def __operate_snapshot_asyn(self, operate, name, status, time_out):        if operate == "REVERT_CURRENT":            task = self.vm.revert_to_snapshot(sync_run=False)            try:                status = task.wait_for_state([status, 'error'], timeout=time_out)                if status == 'error':                    print 'Failed to revert to the current snapshot. Error Message:', task.get_error_message()            except:                print str(time_out) + " seconds time out reached waiting for revert to finish."                return task.get_state()            self.get_status()            return task.get_state()        elif operate == "REVERT_NAMED":            if name is None:                print "Operate Snapshot error: Please set snapshot name."                return False            names = self.get_all_snapshots_name()            if name not in names:                print "Operate Snapshot error: No snapshot named " \                      + name + " in the VM named " + self.name + "."                return False            task = self.vm.revert_to_named_snapshot(name, sync_run=False)            try:                status = task.wait_for_state([status, 'error'], timeout=time_out)                if status == 'error':                    print 'Failed to revert to the current snapshot. Error Message:', task.get_error_message()            except:                print str(time_out) + " seconds time out reached waiting for revert to finish."                return task.get_state()            self.get_status()            return task.get_state()        elif operate == "DELETE_CURRENT":            task = self.vm.delete_current_snapshot(sync_run=False)            try:                status = task.wait_for_state([status, 'error'], timeout=time_out)                if status == 'error':                    print 'Failed to revert to the current snapshot. Error Message:', task.get_error_message()            except:                print str(time_out) + " seconds time out reached waiting for revert to finish."                return task.get_state()            self.get_status()            return task.get_state()        elif operate == "DELETE_NAMED":            if name is None:                print "Operate Snapshot error: Please set snapshot name."                return False            names = self.get_all_snapshots_name()            if name not in names:                print "Operate Snapshot error: No snapshot named " \                      + name + " in the VM named " + self.name + "."                return False            task = self.vm.delete_named_snapshot(name, sync_run=False)            try:                status = task.wait_for_state([status, 'error'], timeout=time_out)                if status == 'error':                    print 'Failed to revert to the current snapshot. Error Message:', task.get_error_message()            except:                print str(time_out) + " seconds time out reached waiting for revert to finish."                return task.get_state()            self.get_status()            return task.get_state()        elif operate == "CREATE":            if name is None:                print "Operate Snapshot error: Please set snapshot name."                return False            names = self.get_all_snapshots_name()            if name in names:                print "Operate Snapshot warning: Snapshot named " \                      + name + " already in the VM named " + self.name + "."            task = self.vm.create_snapshot(name, sync_run=False)            try:                status = task.wait_for_state([status, 'error'], timeout=time_out)                if status == 'error':                    print 'Failed to revert to the current snapshot. Error Message:', task.get_error_message()            except:                print str(time_out) + " seconds time out reached waiting for revert to finish."                return task.get_state()            self.get_status()            return task.get_state()    #To get VM's properties    #@from_cache[bool]: True defualt will refresh the cache of all the properties, not only the requested.    #return a list of the VM's properties    def get_vm_properties(self, from_cache = True):        if from_cache:            return self.vm.get_properties()        return self.vm.get_properties(from_cache=False)    #To retrieve the value of the requested property, or None if that property does not exist.    '''    @properti_name[string]: the property name you request    This is the list of all the properties you can request:        name, path, guest_id, guest_full_name, hostname, ip_address, mac_address, net    @from_cache[bool]: True defualt will refresh the cache of all the properties, not only the requested.    return the name'''    def get_vm_property(self, property_name, from_cache = True):        if property_name not in ['name', 'path', 'guest_id', 'guest_full_name', 'hostname',                                 'ip_address', 'mac_address', 'net']:            print "Get VM property error: property_name must in one of 'name', 'path', 'guest_id', 'guest_full_name', 'hostname', 'ip_address', 'mac_address', 'net'"            return None                if from_cache:            return self.vm.get_property(property_name)        return self.vm.get_property(property_name, from_cache=False)    #To get the name of the immediate resource pool the VM belongs to    def get_resource_pool_name(self):        return self.vm.get_resource_pool_name()        #To login the VM    #@operate[string]: can be set as LOGIN, SHUTDOWN, REBOOT, STANDBY    #return operate success or not    def operate_guest(self, operate):        self.get_status()        if self.status != 'POWERED ON':            self.__login_flag = False            print "Operate guest error: The VM " + self.name + " is not powered on."            return False                if operate not in ['LOGIN', 'SHUTDOWN', 'REBOOT', 'STANDBY']:            print "Operate guest error: operate can noly be set as LOGIN, SHUTDOWN, REBOOT or STANDBY"            return False        if operate == 'LOGIN':            #try:            self.vm.login_in_guest(self.guest_username, self.guest_password)            #except:            #    print 'Operate guest error: Login the VM named ' + self.name + ' failed. Please check the username and password.'            #    return False            self.__login_flag = True            return True        elif operate == 'SHUTDOWN':            #try:            self.vm.shutdown_guest()            #except:            #    print 'Operate guest error: Shut down the VM named ' + self.name + ' failed.'            #    return False            self.__login_flag = False            return True        elif operate == 'REBOOT':            #try:            self.vm.reboot_guest()            #except:            #    print 'Operate guest error: Reboot the VM named ' + self.name + ' failed.'            #    return False            self.__login_flag = False            return True        elif operate == 'STANDBY':            #try:            self.vm.standby_guest()            #except:            #    print 'Operate guest error: Stand by the VM named ' + self.name + ' failed.'            #    return False            self.__login_flag = False            return True        else:            print "Operate guest error: Unknown operate."            return False    #To create directory in the VM    #if @create_parents[bool] is True (default) all the directory components in the @path[string] are created if they don't exist.    #return make directory succeed or not    #warning: In order to use this function, you must login the VM first    def make_directory(self, path, create_parents=True):        if self.__login_flag == False:            print 'Create directory error: Sorry, but please login the VM first.'            return False        #try:        self.vm.make_directory(path, create_parents)        #except:        #    raise esxi_exception.MakeDirectoryException(path, self.name)        return True    #To move directory in the VM    """    @src_path[string]: the source path    @dst_path[string]: the destination path    return move directory succeed or not    warning: In order to use this function, you must login the VM first"""    def move_directory(self, src_path, dst_path):        if self.__login_flag == False:            print 'Move directory error: Sorry, but please login the VM first.'            return False        #try:        self.vm.move_directory(src_path, dst_path)        #except:        #    raise esxi_exception.MoveDirectoryException(src_path, dst_path, self.name)        return True    #To delete directory in the VM    #@path[string]: the directory you want to delete    #If @recursive[bool] is True all subdirectories and files are also deleted, else the operation will fail if the directory is not empty.    #return delete directory succeed or not    #warning: In order to use this function, you must login the VM first    def delete_directory(self, path, recursive):        if self.__login_flag == False:            print 'Delete directory error: Sorry, but please login the VM first.'            return False        #try:        self.vm.delete_directory(path, recursive)        #except:        #    raise esxi_exception.DeleteDirectoryException(path, self.name)        return True    #To list all the files and directories of the path in the VM    """    @path[string]: is the complete path to the directory or file to query.    Returns information about files or directories from the guest system.    @match_pattern[perl-compatible regular expression]: is a filter for the return values specified    as a perl-compatible regular expression (if not provided then '.' is used).    The method returns a list of dictionaries with these keys:       path: The complete path to the file       size: The file size in bytes       type: either 'directory', 'file', or 'symlink'    warning: In order to use this function, you must login the VM first"""    def list_files(self, path, match_pattern=None):        if self.__login_flag == False:            #print 'List files error: Sorry, but please login the VM first.'            return None        #try:        #    file_list = self.vm.list_files(path, match_pattern)        #except:            #print "Can't get file from " + path + "."        #    return None        return self.vm.list_files(path, match_pattern)    #To delete folders and files in the given path    #@path[string]: the operation destination folder in the VM    #return operate success of not    def delete_files_in_folder(self, path):        if self.delete_directory(path, True):            if self.make_directory(path, create_parents=True):                return True        return False    #To check is the path exists or not    def is_path_exists(self, path, check_type = 'FILE'):        """        @path[string]: the path you want to check exists or not        @check_type[string]: the type you check, FILE(default) or FOLDER        If the path exists in the VM, return True, else return False        """        if self.__login_flag == False:            print 'Path check error: Sorry, but please login the VM first.'            return False        if check_type not in ['FILE', 'FOLDER']:            print "Check path error: check_type must be set as 'FILE' or 'FOLDER'"            return False        if path.endswith('\\'):            path = path[:-1]        if path.find('\\') != -1 and path.find('/') != -1:            print "Check path error: path must be set as 'c:\\temp\\file.file' or 'c:/temp/file.file'"            return False        if path.find('\\') != -1:            location = path[0:path.rfind('\\')]            check_item = path[path.rfind('\\')+1:].lower()            if (check_item is None) or (check_item == ""):                return False            try:                tmp_list = self.list_files(location)            except Exception as e:                raise e                        if check_type == 'FOLDER':                if tmp_list is not None:                    for item in tmp_list:                        if item['path'].lower() == check_item and item['type'] == 'directory':                            return True                return False            elif check_type == 'FILE':                if tmp_list is not None:                    for item in tmp_list:                        if item['path'].lower() == check_item and item['type'] == 'file':                            return True                return False        elif path.find('/') != -1:            location = path[0:path.rfind('/')]            check_item = path[path.rfind('/')+1:].lower()            if (check_item is None) or (check_item == ""):                return False            try:                tmp_list = self.list_files(location)            except Exception, e:                raise e                        if check_type == 'FOLDER':                if tmp_list is not None:                    for item in tmp_list:                        if item['path'].lower() == check_item and item['type'] == 'directory':                            return True                return False            elif check_type == 'FILE':                if tmp_list is not None:




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